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傑叟羅圖樂團 - 瑞士蒙特勒現場演會 BD


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    傑叟羅圖樂團 - 瑞士蒙特勒現場演會 BD

    Jethro Tull is one of the most successful British acts of all time with a career reaching from the late sixties to the present day. In 2003 they made their first (and so far, only) visit to the Montreux Festival. Split into a semi-acoustic first half and a full on electric second half, the concert was a triumph combining newer songs such as "Dot Com", "Pavane" and "Budapest" with classic favorites. As ever Ian Anderson leads from the front with his instantly recognizable voice and inimitable style of one-legged flute playing.

    1. Some Day The Sun Won’t Shine For You
    2. Life Is A Long Song
    3. Bouree (Version de Noel)
    4. With You There To Help Me
    5. Pavane
    6. Empty Cafe
    7. Hunting Girl
    8. Eurology
    9. Dot Com
    10. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
    11. Fat Man
    12. Living In The Past
    13. Nothing Is Easy
    14. Beside Myself
    15. My God
    16. Budapest
    17. New Jig
    18. Aqualung
    19. Locomotive Breath


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